5th Annual Workshop on Biologics and Peptides

Hyderabad, India

USP’s 5th Annual Workshop on Biologics and Peptides will be held on February 5-6, 2019 in Hyderabad, India. The workshop is an opportunity for science based dialogue on issues affecting the biotherapeutics industry and the quality of protein and peptide treatments.

Drug regulatory authority representatives, leaders from multinational and national pharmaceutical manufacturers and representatives of trade associations will discuss topics related to manufacturing control & analytical characterization of proteins and peptides as well as regulatory & life cycle management. Speakers from manufacturers in South East Asia will also be part of this year’s workshop. Participants have an opportunity to interact with all speakers through a question and answer exchange following each presentation.

For more details please reach out to:

Ankush Sharma, Senior Manager-SCD-Biologics: as@usp.org
Narayan Srivastav, Associate Manager-USP Education: Narayan.Srivastav@USP.org