USP Comments on Cures 2.0 and Health Technology Innovation

Rockville, MD, January 6, 2020 — In its comments on the Cures 2.0 initiative led by U.S. Reps. Diana Degette (D-CO) and Fred Upton (R-MI), USP applauds the plan to modernize coverage and access to life-saving cures, including digital health technologies, and supports the prioritization of medicine quality to help ensure patient safety. USP also encourages Reps. DeGette and Upton to explore, as part of Cures 2.0, potential policy solutions to further strengthen the regulatory system governing medicine ingredients and finished medicines along the global supply chain. 

Advances in health technologies are occurring in therapeutic options as well as in the processes employed to manufacture them. USP is working with multiple stakeholder groups to identify and develop standards to ensure the quality of digital therapeutics as well as advanced manufacturing technologies, including continuous manufacturing, so these new treatments can realize their full life-saving potential. USP stands ready to work with policymakers and other stakeholders on the Cures 2.0 initiative to help ensure access to quality medicines.

About USP

USP is an independent scientific organization that collaborates with the world's top experts in health and science to develop quality standards for medicines, dietary supplements, and food ingredients. Through our standards, advocacy and education, USP helps increase the availability of quality medicines, supplements and food for billions of people worldwide. For more information about USP, visit