Gonadorelin standards

Gonadorelin is a synthetic polypeptide hormone having the property of stimulating the release of the luteinizing hormone from the hypothalamus.

The gonadorelin family now includes one drug substance Reference Standard, one drug Reference Standard and three related impurity Reference Standards.

Both new standards are associated with the PF44(2) revision of the Gonadorelin Acetate monograph. They are suitable for qualitative applications, including identification, system suitability testing and resolution probe.

The USP Gonadorelin Reference Standards Family:

  • [D-His2]-Gonadorelin #1296701 (1mg/vial)
  • [D-Tyr5]-Gonadorelin #1296712 (1mg/vial)
  • Gonadorelin Acetate #1296756 (2mg/vial)
  • Gonadorelin HCL #1296803 (6.53mg/vial)
  • Gonadorelin Acetate Related Compound A #1296767 (10mg/vial)

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To contact someone directly regarding USP RS’s please email RSTech@usp.org

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