USP Compounding Compendium

PLEASE NOTE: The updated USP Compounding Compendium moved to an online platform on November 1, 2022 and will no longer be available in PDF format. To learn more about the USP Compounding Compendium, access the fact sheet.

The USP Compounding Compendium is the trusted go-to resource for pharmacists and healthcare practitioners. It offers quality assurance for compounding methods, preparations, and overall practices in different healthcare settings. The USP Compounding Compendium provides access to the United States Pharmacopeia standards and the National Formulary (USP–NF), the official compendia of standards for drugs marketed in the United States. It features more than 40 General Chapters (including <795>, <797>, and <800>) and more than 170 compounding monographs along with General Notices and other key resources that are most useful in compounding practices.

The USP Compounding Compendium is offered as a 12-month online subscription, in English only. USP Compounding Compendium is updated with the release of each new USP-NF edition and supplement.
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