At Large Member

Chair, Resolutions Committee
Member, Membership Committee
Career Highlights:
- National Council for Prescription Drug Programs: Senior Vice President, Public Policy, and Industry Relations
- Covidien/Mallinckrodt, Inc.: Director, Professional and Trade Relations
- Medicap Pharmacies, Inc.: Vice President, Professional and Industry Relations
- Q-A, Inc.: Executive Vice President
- Iowa Pharmacy Association: Vice President/Chief Operating Officer
- Ottumwa Regional Health Center: Director of Pharmacy
- University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy, B.S. Pharm.
- Management Science Associates, Hospital Management Program
- Center for Creative Leadership, Leadership Development Program
Awards, Recognition, Admissions:
- Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy
- America’s 50 Most Influential Pharmacists Award, American Druggist Magazine
- Benjamin D. Ward Award, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
- Governor’s Public Health Champion Award, State of Iowa
- Board Membership: Cordant Health Solutions
- Board Membership: Executive Leadership Board, University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy
- Board Membership: SafeNetRx, Charter Member and Former Chair
- Board Membership: Dean’s Advisory Board, University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (UAMS), College of Pharmacy, Former Chair
A Few Favorite Professional Achievements:
- Initiated and expanded Clinical Pharmacy Services in a Regional Acute Care Hospital
- Initiated a National Drug Utilization Review Program designed to improve medication use in both public and private sector health plans
- Initiated an appointment-based program (Counselling by Appointment TM) designed to encourage pharmacists to actively engage in patient education while improving medication use in the ambulatory sector
- Initiated a Government Affairs program in a non-lobbying, not-for-profit, standards development organization with the goal of informing lawmakers of past and current standardization activities designed to improve healthcare for patients