USP Drug Classification 2019

The USP DC 2019 is free to use. However, we ask that you:

  1. Provide attribution (e.g. reference) to USP when using it.
  2. Encourage interested colleagues to download the files from our website (please do not forward files via e-mail, etc.).
  3. Do not modify names of USP Categories/Classes, or identifiers in the USP DC files.

By downloading the USP DC, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions in the license agreement.

To download the USP DC 2019, fill out the registration form below, choose the files you wish to download, and click the ‘Submit’ button’.

We encourage you to provide your feedback on how you use USP DC, and how we can improve it at

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I am interested in integrating USP DC content into a computerized system where I use other drug information
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